
Take a look at the amazing features that JobWP offers.

Easy to Setup

JobWP's well thought UI makes it easy to use and setup. Get started quickly.

Design Options

Easily customize the look and feel for JobWP to match with your site's branding.

Completely Responsive

JobWP is designed to work beautifully on all kind of devices.

Multiple Layouts

Multiple layouts available where you can display jobs in a list view or a grid view.

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Search and Filters

There is a search panel available where applicants can search jobs with various options.

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Job Specification

We have almost every possible job specifications options which allows an job applicant to...

Accept Job Application

An apply online button is available which will open an application form to accept applications.

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External Application Form

JobWP allows you to integrate third party form like WPForms, Contact Form 7 etc.

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Link External Job

Copy any external job like LinkedIn job url and place it in your site apply-now button.

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Instant Acknowledgement

We send an instant email to the job applicants when they apply for a job successfully.

Admin Email Alert

An instant email will send to the admin or a specific role based users when a job application...

Export Applications

You can easily export your applications and keep your backup as csv format.

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Allow Login to Apply Job

You can force job applicants to login first to apply for a job. This allows you to apply a...

Display Featured Jobs

Set your jobs as featured and display them with a slider at the front page.

HR User Role

HR User role is one of the exciting feature of JobWP. HR User role has very limited access.

Attach Files with Emails

The applicants can attache their CV along with their application for a specific job.

Manage Job Expiry

You can set a job expiry date to give the applicants a timeline to apply for that jobs.

Google reCaptcha Varification

We have google reCaptcha verification to protect job application submission from spam and abuse.

Translation Ready

Pot file included, so you can easily translate into your language with loco translator.

Extensive Documentation

We have created all the resources you need to get started with JobWP.

World Class Support

We take pride in building great products and offering friendly support.

We Are Open To Customize and Add More Features